Mette Lampcov

by Mette Lampcov from Los Angeles, California

Before COVID-19 I spent most of my time working away from cities. Documenting the effects of climate change, I found myself in small communities, or in mountains,  forests, and deserts. As the lockdown happened, like for many others, it felt li…

Before COVID-19 I spent most of my time working away from cities. Documenting the effects of climate change, I found myself in small communities, or in mountains,  forests, and deserts. As the lockdown happened, like for many others, it felt like a punch to my stomach. I don't like being at home, I don't like being stuck in LA. I want to be outdoors, actively engaging with what is happening around us, and photographing it.  

In this image I wanted to emulate classic portraiture. Covered in flowers, I am expressing  my respect for nature, as well as the peace I find in it.  The crown and posture evokes the power I want to feel as a woman that often feels diminished in a male dominated space.

I need to express these strong sentiments of longing to do what I do, as I have no idea of what the future holds. I worry that this is only just the beginning, as we have destroyed forest and natural habits, continue to burn fossil fuels, and ignoring science.



Curated by Svetlana Bachevanova

A collection of self-portraits made by photojournalists from five continents during the unprecedent lockdown due to the corona virus pandemic. 

Photographers are people on the road, living to document the lives of others.

Constrained by the lockdown, many of them had their first  experience of being still long enough to begin seeing and understanding small details about who they are, their lifestyles and values, that were overshadowed while they were busy. These self-portraits express their experience.

This is a unique collection of self-portraits from some of the best lenses in photojournalism at an historic moment.

Photographers in Confinement is a project in process and I welcome additional submissions from photojournalists at

I am looking for potential exhibition partners in the USA and abroad.

Svetlana Bachevanova is a founder and publisher of FotoEvidence, long time photojournalist and curator.


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