A Stay At Home Situation: "April 11, 2020"

by Daniel Harel from Brooklyn, New York

Stay home and organize the two weeks of groceries you should have not eaten in just one week.

Stay home and organize the two weeks of groceries you should have not eaten in just one week.


About the Series

Since self-isolation started due to COVID-19, people across the globe have had to readapt to a different reality. Our homes are not suitable for continuous occupancy and our minds and bodies feel trapped in what was designed to be our safe space.

From the tiniest little domestic chore to the most important work call, the logistics of the home have drastically changed. We have had to repurpose rooms, define new areas, and most importantly, make do with what we have at our disposal. In many cases, the balance is not anymore and what did not matter is now of paramount importance.

In this series I explore how my daily rituals have shifted to accommodate my private, work, and social life under a single roof.

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Adventures in isolation, day 29 Wishful watching