Now you see us | Story 3

by Noemí Pascual and Amir H. from Moria Camp, Greece


He is a five-year-old Afghan refugee who has been living in Moria Camp with his family for nine months. He would like to have a safe and peaceful life in Sweden. His dream is to become a policeman. He has been in lockdown in the camp since March 21st, which has been extended until August 31. 


Look again to that red t shirt. Those little hands. Does it remind you something? How much has changed since little Alan Kurdi died? Soon it will be five years since he died. This child is alive. Does he need to drown so that Europe sees him? He survived the Aegean Sea. Now he is living in confinement in Moria Camp. Living in extremely bad conditions. Is this the solidarity of Europe? His dream is to life safely in Sweden with his family and become a policeman.

We are an Afghan refugee and a photo editor currently living in the Netherlands. One takes the images, the other edits them. We are working in this collaborative project not just to bring awareness but to speak directly to the policy makers in Europe to demand a solution. We want you see and hear us, but at the same time we will preserve the intimacy and right to privacy of the children. We will never use real names and the subjects will remain unidentified. We need your help. Go out, speak to your neighbors, to your friends, start a demonstration, ask and demand a solution to the policy makers where you live to demand change.


We value the work of photographers and journalists. But we believe in the power of simple and human photography and less in perfectly composed images. We don't have any political lobby, money campaign behind us. We are showing what's really happening and looking for real actions.


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